Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I found this commentary on another blog (http://fromthegridandbeyond.blogspot.com/) about just how harmful abortion is --- to EVERYONE. I could not have written it any better, so PLEASE visit this blog and be informed. This woman really puts things into PERSPECTIVE. WOW is all I can say.


Trish said...

Hey, just wanted to thank you for posting this. I followed the link and signed the petition, and explored her blog to boot.

Heiner Happenings said...

Hey you guys! It's been far too long...The girls are getting soo big! We're glad to see everything is going well, and we would like to follow your blog if you dont mind?! I could not agree with one of your post more Alisa- I cant believe Kai is going to be 6!!! My how time flies by...

Much Love,
Colby & Brooke Heiner

Our blog is private, but if you would like to check it out e-mail me your email and I will send you an invite. cbkheiner@hotmail.com