Monday, August 31, 2009

Our Family Must Endure Once More

UPDATE!!! My Dad had surgery today and it went very well! He's recovering now and we'll have to wait a few weeks to see if the surgery was effective. Thanks for all your prayers!

My Dad is probably the most amazing person (besides you mom :-)) that I know. Whenever I have a question about life, finances, spirituality, marriage, etc - it is him I want to call. It is his advice I crave. It is him that makes me feel better about MY trials. And yet, here he is facing his biggest trial. My father has cancer. And I hate it.

I have tried not to think or talk about it much, mostly because I don't really want to believe it is there. You see, I truly cannot imagine my life without him. Now, don't let me fool you, he will fight. He is a fighter in every sense of the word. But cancer is just mean and his future isn't certain. I like to prepare for the future. I like knowing what is around the corner. And I want the future to be WITH my father, forever really, because that's how long I NEED him to be in my life. I guess I'm selfish like that.

I have to face the reality of what is happening. And I could use your help. He's having surgery on the 8th and I would love for all my friends to be praying for him. All who meet him, love him and he deserves some extra help from heaven! :-)

Love you Paps, be strong and remember I love you the most!!


Chris said...

We will send our prayers you way. {{Hugs}}

Kelly Norton said...

I am sorry to hear the news about your dad. My dad is a cancer survivor. I will most certainly say a prayer for you and your dad. Hugs.

MommyRohner said...

I will be praying for your dad.

foreveryoung said...

I'm so sorry, Alisa. We'll definately keep him in our prayers!

Shanen said...

We will be praying over here too. I 'm sorry you have to go through this.

Anonymous said...

Your dad is totally amazing. I've always thought so highly of him. We'll certainly add our prayers to yours!

LeeAnn Freeman said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time. Give your mom and dad our love.
Mark & LeeAnn

Kristen said...

We will be praying for him. Let me know if you need anything. Keep me updated I know my father-in-law would love to know any news you have.Take care

The Glenns said...

People survive cancer. And dad's are amazing. Very best wishes to your family. It works out.

Trish said...

Glad to hear that the surgery went well. Keep us posted. Love you,

Michelle Y. said...

I am so sorry to hear about this. I will keep him in my prayers. My mom has stage 4 lung cancer right now. It is so frustrating, my whole family is LDS and my mom gets lung cancer out of all things. If you need someone to vent to, I know exactly what you are going through. Your family is in my prayers.