Isn't she a beauty? After much searching, a creepy piano salesmen, and a lost deposit on a lesser quality piano, I found the perfect piano for my family! And boy did I have my criteria. I wanted a good brand, a nice tone and feel and it had to be the right color for my decor. Sounds simple eh? Not so. There are a lot of bad pianos out there folks - not to mention the right color for aesthetic purposes! So I finally settled on a Sohmer piano. Original Sohmers (made prior to mid 1980's when the Sohmer brothers sold their company) are hard to find and are usually quite pricey for piano's their age. Well, I got a REALLY good deal! I found someone selling a piano that they inherited and obviously they didn't know the quality of the piano. I had a piano specialist come examine it before I bought it and he said it was a gorgeous, quality piano and easily worth 5k. I talked the guy down to $800. Yeah baby! Anyway, I am so excited to have a piano again. I haven't played for about 9 years when I played on my parents Sohmer grand piano! I'm pretty rusty, but it's fun going through my old music. I actually have played the kids to sleep a few times and for some reason Joe thinks it quite sexy when I play. Bonus! :-) Anyway, I love, love, love it! Oh, and if you are wondering if I can accompany something or play in relief society, sorry, but this is one guilty pleasure I save only for myself. I developed massive stage fright and actually ran out of a recital in the middle of a piece once. In my dramatic style I ran out and drove myself over to the graveyard to visit my recently passed Aunties grave. Yes, I am crazy and very emotional. Poor, poor Joe......