And thanks to our good friends the Youngs for taking our pictures! We think yours turned out pretty darn cute too!
Apparently Ava's thankful for flowers.
THE MEN. Enough said. :-)
Post-Thanksgiving decorating time.
And the magic of the Christmas Season begins.....
Let me introduce you to my awesome personal trainer - Greg Lake. I've always been a bit of an exercise and health freak, but Greg has taken me (or shall I say, my tooshy) to a higher level! I am sore every single week from our workouts. Yeah it hurts - oh, does it hurt, but I like it. I know something is working when I'm so sore I can't sit, or when I can barely lift my two year old up. :-) Sometimes I call him Satan and sometimes I yell at him, but I know he's only pushing me because I pay him to. :-)
I had to write this down because if was such a funny moment. Maybe you had to be there, but I want to remember it. Here was our conversation at dinner tonight which happened to be chili:
Joe: Ava, take a bite, come on you can do it!
Ava: NO!
Joe: Come on Ava, I'll help you....just one more bite.
Ava: No, I not want it!!
Joe: Do you know what this is? Ava, this is what all the princesses, like Cinderella and Belle eat. It's princess chili and if you eat it you will turn into a princess!
Ava: (in a very stern and know it all voice) THIS NOT PRINCESS CHILI!!
So, maybe you have to know my child and how she would sound saying this, but I was busting up. She was serious and mad when she said it. Like she knew he was trying to pull one over on her. Maybe she'd have believed it if he had said it was Dora the Explorer Chili! That seems a little more appropriate! :-)
Oh, and another cute thing, for my own memories sake, Ava "meowed" the prayer yesterday. Joe asked her to say the prayers and he was helping her. Instead of repeating his words, she'd just meow like a kitten. After a few lines of meowing the prayer we all busted up laughing. She loves pretending she's a kitten -this is usually the only time I get some good snuggles so it's fine with me! :-)